• accent craft 台灣    相關企業商業資訊
    1. 建築作坊有限公司

      CitiCrafts, citi,citc或者city,意指城市的,都會的. craft, 意涵著技藝的(skill),學科的(a branch of knowledge),專業的(professional),設計器物的(device),容器的(vessel).CitiCrafts是關於都市容器—建築與室內—的產製.目前事務所的正/將進行幾個國內外...

      電話:04-22584998    地址:台中市西屯區市政路604巷9號
    2. 帆特國際有限公司

      ...S are produced by happy people for everyone. every piece is carefully hand crafted with sincere appreciation for denims individual image. our clothes are worked and finished with the most expensive techniques to create genuine and unique imperfectionsmanufactured by no.fire denim&co

      電話:07-5506707    地址:高雄市左營區新上街183號
    3. 南陽實業股份有限公司

      ...中也獲得第三名的殊榮。除此之外,包括全新世代的HYUNDAI Accent、Elantra、Santa Fe、Sonata與Tucson等五款新車,也全面獲選美國The Car Book 2006汽車指南的最佳購車推薦!在台灣,每3位休旅車主,就有一位選擇Tucson VGTurbo,你準備好了嗎?歡迎加...

      電話:02-27886060    地址:台北市南港區南港路三段48號10樓
    4. 寶贊國際

      ...ompany was founded by 3 young entrepreneurs in 2005. With the new strategy crafted in mid 2011, we are actively seeking graduates to join our team. You MUST work smart and play hard. A Successful applicant must have a strong desire to explore the untouched blue ocean market. Experiences are not requ...

      電話:04-23818252    地址:台中市南屯區新民巷26之5號地圖
    5. 三媽臭臭鍋新竹北大店


      電話:03-5210139    地址:新竹縣北大路303號

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